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  • MAudiozARTS

Our association aims to promote the department of CHAMPAGNE-ARDENNES and Le GRAND-EST in France and abroad through artistic, audiovisual and musical projects. It will also offer exhibitions, fashion shows, with all creations jointly linked


She understands :

- The production of sets and costumes

- Photography

- Music clips, short films and feature films

- Musical composition

- Advertising for various companies and associations

- Promotion and mutual assistance in digital and media development, of actors, singers and extras.


We will call on all artistic and audiovisual trades.


The association will highlight the inhabitants of our region with dance, figuration, or collaboration castings, and those, in order to highlight different art and video enthusiasts, whether they are curious, beginners or professionals.


We will present and defend cinematographic projects in various festivals, in order to defend them and give them the opportunity to be seen outside the department.


Through our projects, we want to help the inhabitants to gain self-confidence, help them to assert their identity, to believe in themselves and in their abilities, all in kindness and sharing.


We will help them learn different trades and give them the possibility of living rich and human artistic adventures. A large part of our projects will be proposed in subtitled version in order to be accessible to the greatest number.

management et gestion


Président of MAudiozARTS

and Multidisciplinary Artist

"After 10 years of artistic as an individual, I decided that it was time to create my association, in order to export and stay in continuity with what I have offered for years.


Throughout the projects and the castings, I realized that there was a strong demand from the inhabitants of the Grand-Est territory wanting to participate in our different artistic projects.
The creation of our association aims to open up new possibilities for collaboration and new long-term projects, where each citizen would become "actor" of our projects.

My association and my tenure, a "baby" long thought about and we count on you to follow us in this adventure, and thus to become over time a big family bound by the love that we carry and will always carry for the artistic world and audiovisual. "

Alex Meïer

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